The Newest Natural Sleep Remedies & Natural Sleep Aids

1. Melatonin supplements

Your body naturally produces melatonin and through the use of supplements containing this substance you can enhance your rest. Melatonin supplements are an over the counter medicine and is not vastly regulated. However, one should always consult a physician first especially if insomnia and lack of rest is an ongoing problem.

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by your body’s pineal gland. It is highly influenced by the light of day and darkness of night. For those of us with normal sleep cycles and routines, at day break, the pineal gland slows the release of melatonin into the blood stream and roughly around 9:00 a.m. you may find that you are most alert. As darkness falls, your brain signals to the pineal gland to release more melatonin and we begin that delightful feeling of drowsiness and we sense our rest coming soon.

For melatonin supplements to be helpful and effective, they must be taken in the correct dosage and the ideal time of day. If not taken correctly, it can upset your sleep cycle and possibly lead to even further complications.

Caution is always given against the risk of depression, increased fatigue, slower reaction time, heart and stroke risks, kidney disease, sleep apnea and risks on fertility. While there have been warnings and there is always need for concern, cases of overdose and abuse by users are not widely reported.

Melatonin may be very useful depending on the individual’s particular situation. For shift workers for example, it may aid in developing the required sleep cycle. For those of us who travel across time zones, taken properly it may assist in our adjustment and reduce the occurrence of jet lag.

It should be noted however that your sleep environment should be ideal for Melatonin to be effective.  As mentioned, Melatonin is naturally released when the light fades and darkness falls. So your sleep area should be dark or dimly lit to facilitate the supplement.

Adjust your routine to ensure the supplement works best. For example, if your shift at work has changed from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. then wake up earlier and get your body accustomed the change.

2. Valerian (capsules or tea)

Valerian is an herb. It is extracted from the root of the Valerian plant. It has been used for centuries by people to assist in reducing anxiety and assisting in sleep. As a sleep aid, one should take Valerian just before bedtime. It has been seen to be effective for those who consider themselves as poor sleepers or who wake up in the night and have difficulty falling back asleep. For serious insomnia cases, studies have shown that it can take between two to four weeks at least before any improvements are seen.

Do not take Valerian for more than three months at a time. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking it and do not take with any other drugs. Avoid the consumption of alcohol when taking this Natural Sleep supplement. 

3. Eleuthero or Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus).

Studies show that Eleuthero can help enhance mental activity as well as physical endurance.

4. Magnesium and calcium.

Oral magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve symptoms of fatigue in persons with low magnesium levels.

5. Coenzyme Q10.

This vital nutrient is involved in cellular energy production throughout the body.

6. Ashwagandha

An Ayurvedic herb prized for its ability to help the body deal with stress.


7. Cordyceps

A traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom that may help fight fatigue and boost energy levels.

Cordyceps is a Chinese name which means winter worm, summer grass or caterpillar fungus. Discovered about 2,000 years ago, it has countless benefits to humans including promoting rest and sleep. It is said to calm the nervous system and reduce levels of stress.

Some of the other benefits include:

  • Lowers Blood pressure
  • Reduces respiratory problems
  • Lowers bad cholesterol
  • Enhances male sex ability
  • Improves memory